Reconstruction Political Cartoons, Prints, and Lithographs.

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Reconstruction Political Cartoons, Prints, and Lithographs.


Political Cartoons
United States Reconstruction
Thomas Nast


This collection is a compilation of various political cartoons created by Thomas Nast that depict events during Reconstruction.


Various artists.


Various Artists.
Library of Congress.




Public Domain. Cite the Library of Congress.


Jpeg or jpg files.



Collection Items

The Strong Government
Reconstruction Political Cartoon depicting the South carrying President Grant with Rutherford B. Hayes. This contrasts the strong Northern government with the weak Southern government represented by the destroyed South.

Thomas Nasts' Depiction of Emancipation
Thomas Nasts' depiction of the end of the Civil War with emancipated Freedmen. This depicts the lives of Freedmen as improved after the Civil War.

Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction and How it works.
Cartoon showing Andrew Johnson as the deceitful Iago who betrayed Othello, portrayed here as an African American Civil War veteran. Includes scenes of slave auction, whites attacking African Americans in Memphis and New Orleans, and "Copperhead" and…

The shackle broken - by the genius of freedom
This is a lithograph depicting various scenes of emancipation and the Civil Rights Act. It includes quotations from South Carolina Representative Robert B. Elliot's speech in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1875.

The Result of the Fifteenth Amendment.
This print commemorates the Fifteenth Amendment's ratification. Parades and celebrations to commemorate the amendment occurred throughout the United States.

Letting the cat out of the bag.
A figurative portrayal of the rift within the Republican party resulting from the nomination of Abraham Lincoln for the presidency in 1860. Here New York senator and would-be nominee William H. Seward watches as the radical antislavery senator from…

The Democratic Platform.
Again the 1856 Democrats are characterized as friendly to proslavery interests. Old guard Democrats Martin Van Buren and Thomas Hart Benton are also resurrected for abuse here. Van Buren appears as a fox, lurking in a cave at right. His son John is…

The Rail Splitter at work restoring the Union.
Cartoon print shows Vice President Andrew Johnson sitting atop a globe, attempting to stitch together the map of the United States with needle and thread. Abraham Lincoln stands, right, using a split rail to position the globe. Johnson warns, "Take…

The Senate as a Court of Impeachment for the Trial of President Andrew Johnson.
This is an illustration of Johnson's impeachment trial. It concluded with his acquittal by one vote but became the first time in American history when a President was impeached,

Congress - 14th Amendment 2nd section / Kemble.
This political Cartoon depicted Congress and its unwillingness to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment after Reconstruction. This action led to broad Supreme Court decisions such as Obergefell v. Hodges.
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Collection Tree

  • Reconstruction Political Cartoons, Prints, and Lithographs.