Palladio is a digital humanities tool for network analysis to identify connections and change within data and a dataset. Palladio is similar to in various ways such as the information used to undercover new interpretations and analysis. Palladio requires specifically made data such as the WPA Slave Narratives in a CSV file to conduct network analysis.

Upload your CSV file and select data to change the categories such as interview, location, and enslaved. After you have identified and selected categories based on the CSV file you can select Graph to obtain a visualization of your data. After selecting the “Graph” move to the settings section on the upper right of the screen and change source and topic. The interviews can be visualized by changing various settings. For example, change the source to topics and target “interviewee” to construct a network visualization. The “Source” function can be changed to functions such as “type of slave”, “Location of the interview”, and “topics.” I recommend starting your analysis by changing the source to “topics” and target to “interviewee.” There are subsequent ways to analyze data and create a visualization. First, change “age” to “type of slave” or “where enslaved” and keep the source as “topics” to create new visualizations. This software requires trial and error to produce new visualizations that tell us more about the data and the WPA Slave Narratives. The visualization will change every time you alter the source and topics with a new category. Below the source tab, you can select the checkmark box for highlight to see the labels and better and evaluate your graph. You can do the same with “Target” and select the checkmark boxes for highlight, show links, and size nodes to create a more legible visualization.

There are subsequent ways to select information for your visualization. Select “Facet” at the bottom left to change the dimensions of your interview. Lastly, there is a button at the bottom of the settings section to download an svg file of your visualization.

Palladio allows you to see connections through networks that depict how people, places, and ideas share similar qualities. The ability to see connections within networks depends significantly on the type of data you are working with. Palladio is more visually appealing and descriptive than for networks but it is important to state that they both have advantages and disadvantages depending on the data you are using. Palladio was relatively easy to use and convenient when identifying changes between different network visualizations such as the WPA Slave Narratives. Various networks became a jumbled mess of data because of overlapping titles and labels. Therefore, it is important to narrow down what you want to analyze such as the type of interviews and gender. Nevertheless, it is interesting software to use and explore how data is interpreted through networks and how that leads to new ideas and interpretations.

Palladio is located here. 

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